Each week, we are going to be publishing a blog post on one of the many fantastic benefits that Repair Pilot has and what benefit it can bring to your business. We think this will be a great way to highlight some of the great parts of the software that our customers make use of the most, and that brings the greatest amount of benefit to their businesses.
This week, we will be looking at one of Repair Pilot's newest features; the Customer Portal.
The Customer Portal allows for customer interaction as well as additional value and customer experience, without you having to lift a finger, or, more importantly, a phone.
By giving your customers access to this area, they can see an overview of their account history, they can view all current jobs that they currently have in with you, as well as the accounts invoice history.
Let's focus on the access to jobs first. So by giving your customers access to this portal, they can view an overview of the job that has been booked in, what stage it is currently at and any notes that you have added to an account (and set to public, don't worry, you can still add private notes). This on it's own can save you hours of time over the course of a month, but not having to pick up the phone to customers asking for updates, and what is happening with their repair.
On top of this however, customers can also accept or decline quotes from the portal, as well as leave a message, asking questions about a repair for example. All of this gets passed straight through to Repair Pilot, along with a notification to inform you that a customer has left an update on a repair. This can almost reduce the potential time spent with customers on the phone down to an absolute minimum.
However, while the time saving is a fantastic benefit, we think the best part is the fact that your customers experience of your business will be increased massively. Customers are just as busy as you, they work, they have the school run and more. Sometimes they can't answer the phone during your opening hours. This customer portal gives them the ability to login, check the status and approve the job when it is convenient for them. It also gives them the option to send any questions and queries, which they may otherwise not want to ask over the phone. This increase in positive customer experience leads to a higher likelihood of repeat custom, a higher likelihood of a recommendation which all turns into increased revenue for your business.
Customers can also access all of their invoice history, allowing them to download or print them at any time, without you having to email it over again. We will also be adding options in the future for you to be able to include payment links on the portal, allowing your customers to go to your preferred payment provider and pay for the repair online.
If you have any questions about the Customer Portal, or anything else to do with Repair Pilot, please feel free to contact us on info@repairpilot.com, or call us on 0800 1337 491.
by Shaun Brereton
Mon, 24 June 2019
Tags: repair pilot customer portal repair management customer experience